The Open Group Professional Certifications
The Open Group certifications are designed to validate the knowledge, skills, and experience of IT professionals and architects across a variety of domains. Whether you're seeking to certify your own skills or those of your team members, our certifications offer a benchmark of competence and expertise.
Professional Certifications - Knowledge-Based Certifications
Our Knowledge-Based Certifications are market-driven programs that ensure individuals possess a deep understanding of The Open Group standards. The Open Group has used Bloom’s Taxonomy to structure the key learning points within their certification programs so that learners acquire and can use knowledge in increasingly complex ways. These certifications are:
ArchiMate® Certification: An open and independent modelling language for enterprise architecture certification, supported by various tool vendors and consulting firms.
Digital Practitioner Certification: Certification demonstrating proficiency in the digital standards and practices that are reshaping modern industry practices.
IT4IT™ Certification: Certification for the IT4IT reference architecture, which provides a new operating model for IT.
Open Agile Architecture™ Certification: Certification for mastering the Open Agile Architecture, a standard for agile transformation and digital strategy.
Open FAIR™ Certification: A certification that provides a model for understanding, analyzing, and measuring information risk.
TOGAF® Certification: The globally recognized standard for enterprise architecture certification.
In addition to these, we offer The Open Group Certification Credentials, or "micro-certifications," for small amounts of learning (3 hours upwards). These lead to the award of a certificate and an Open Badge.
Professional Certifications - Experience-Based Certifications
Our Experience-Based Certifications validate the practical application and experience in various IT fields. These certifications include:
The Open Group Certified Architect (Open CA): The premier global certification for validating skills and experience in the IT architecture community.
The Open Group Certified Data Scientist (Open CDS): The most comprehensive certification available for Data Scientists and the organizations that employ them. It verifies that Data Scientist professionals possess the qualities and capabilities required to produce an effective analysis of data for business improvement.
The Open Group Certified Technical Specialist (Open CTS): Designed to verify that professionals possess the qualities and skills needed to enable the effective development, implementation, and operation of IT solutions.
The Open Group Certified Trusted Technology Practitioner (Open CTTP): Designed to verify that professionals possess the qualities and skills needed to apply effective Trusted Technology security practices, such as those described in the O-TTPS: ISO/IEC 20243.